Developed with Indivibook, e-Books can work quickly, securely and professionally on your Android devices. You can use drawing tools as you like, create images, videos, audios, events, etc. You can enrich your books with content and provide an effective learning...
Indivibook; has developed a professional, aesthetic online e-book editor by combining its software infrastructure with the appearance developed by our expert designers. Online e-Book Online e-Book; It provides an enhanced learning experience for users by enriching the...
When we look at the e-Book preparation processes with Indivibook, first the book is loaded, the presentation mode settings are made, the contents are added, the final checks are made and it is ready for publication. e-Book Preparation Creation With the start of...
Interactive book is an interactive book in which books prepared in digital environment interact with the user in an interactive way, sound, visual, animation, video, etc. in the book. An environment where interactive contents interact with each other or with the user...
e-Book, also known as Enriched Book, is the diversification of printed textbooks, question banks, unit booklets with enrichment tools such as video, audio, visual, connection, activity. Especially with the introduction of the internet in the early 2000s, many sectors...
Pardus e-Book Some of the smart boards allocated by the Ministry of National Education and used in classrooms have the Pardus operating system. Pardus operating system is an operating system pioneered by TUBITAK, whose works are carried out domestically. While...