Feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to create an account for you. Alternatively, we can arrange a meeting to provide you with a brief demonstration.
Indivibook is a cloud-based platform developed to go beyond classic e-books and publish content by enriching it with multimedia tools such as video, audio and pictures.

Platform Independent
It is published seamlessly, compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac and mobile devices.

You Have Complete Control
With the Indivibook infrastructure, you can remotely intervene, update and delete the books you publish. You are in complete control.

A Brand New Digital Publishing
The face of digital publishing is changing with Indivibook. The printed textbooks so far are undergoing transformation with Indivibook to meet the needs of the growing generations in technology. It allows them to learn something new anywhere, at home, outside.

With our search panel, you can find the image, video, vector, word etc. you need at the moment. You can do research in many areas.

User Friendly
Thanks to its modern design, it allows the user to reach the vehicles in the fastest and easiest way.
Indivibook; you can simply add your books filled with words and pictures, videos, sounds, activities, figures, etc. It offers a different learning experience by enriching it with many tools.

Indivibook minimizes costs by using resources efficiently.

It is published seamlessly, compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac and mobile devices.

For now, we support five languages: Turkish, English, French, Arabic and Japanese. With our adaptable language changing infrastructure, we can add the language option you want instantly.

Whether you are an educational institution or a publisher, thanks to our adaptable structure, your books are enriched in a reliable way and made ready for publication.

The z-book you are using can connect with your LMS structure via APIs and provide integration quickly and easily.

With its updatable infrastructure, it provides an up-to-date learning experience by immediately reflecting the innovations it has developed to the users.
A Rich Learning Experience
The face of digital publishing is changing with Indivibook. The printed textbooks so far are undergoing transformation with Indivibook to meet the needs of the growing generations in technology. It allows them to learn something new anywhere, at home, outside.

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